Just Moved and Need a Handyman! Here is How to Find One

So you've just moved into a new home. Congratulations! Now that the boxes are unpacked and you're settled in, it's time to start making your house a home. Part of that process is finding reliable contractors who can help you with all those little things that need to be done, from painting the walls to fixing a leaky faucet.

But where do you start? If you're new to the area, it can be tough to know who to trust. That's why we've put together this handy guide of where to find a handyman after moving. Whether you need someone for a one-time job or someone you can rely on for all your future home improvement projects, we've got you covered.

1. Ask Your Real Estate Agent
If you used a real estate agent to buy your home, they may be able to recommend some good local contractors. Because they work in the industry, they likely have a network of trusted service providers that they can recommend. And since they want you to be happy in your new home, they'll only refer you to someone they know will do a good job.

2. Talk to Your Neighbors
One of the best ways to find a reputable contractor is by word-of-mouth. Talk to your neighbors and see if they have any recommendations for someone who does good work at a fair price. People are usually more than happy to share their experiences—good and bad—so you can get an idea of who might be a good fit for your needs.

3. Look for Online Reviews
In today's digital age, online reviews are like gold. A quick Google search will give you plenty of options, so take some time to read through them and see what others have said about various handymen in the area. It's also worth checking out review sites like Yelp and Angie's List before making your decision.

4. Get Bids from Multiple Contractors
Once you've found a few candidates, reach out and get bids from each one for the work that needs to be done. This will give you an idea of what the going rate is for the services you're looking for and will help you narrow down your choices even further.

5. Make Your Final Selection
After considering all the factors—cost, availability, reviews—it's time to make your final selection and get started on making your house into a home!

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We hope this guide has been helpful in giving you some ideas of where to find a handyman after moving. With just a little bit of research, you'll be well on your way to finding someone who can help turn your house into a home. Thanks for reading and welcome to the neighborhood!