How to Reduce Stress on Moving Day

Written by Zach Richards
·5 mins read
How to Reduce Stress on Moving Day | Caddy Moving

Whether you’re planning on moving big, small, down the street, or across the country, the transition can (and probably will) become stressful at one point or another, even if all goes as planned. Instead of heading into the big day believing you will come out without a lick of nerves, I recommend arming yourself with these simple and helpful tips to manage the stress when (and if) it arises!

  1. Get Prepared, and Make a Plan

Moving may seem pretty straightforward, but most don’t realize there are a lot of moving pieces to make a move go successfully. Your mind will probably be in a big jumble throughout the day- trying to keep track of everything. To combat this, create a plan ahead of time, keep lists, break up big tasks, and color code to-do’s in an effort to stay organized. It all comes down to solid preparation. There are plenty of moving apps, planners, labels, and schedule templates available all over the web that you should utilize ahead of time before the big day. By using lists, planners, and labels, I promise you will be able to sleep better at night knowing you have everything put together well in advance!

  1. Self Care for Stress-Free Vibes 

Take moving out of the picture; taking care of yourself is extremely important when it comes to managing stress and anxiety during any occasion. As the big day approaches, make sure you are getting enough sleep each night (7-9 hours preferred), exercising throughout the day (try and aim for at least 30 minutes per day), eating nutritious meals (look for fruits, vegetables, and non-processed foods), practicing meditation and yoga (there are plenty of apps to help), and bonding with others! If you balance and maintain all of these things, I guarantee you will be feeling energized, stress-free, and ready to tackle your move.

  1. When in Doubt, Call for Help

Try not to bite off more than you can chew- especially when it comes to handling your personal belongings. If there is just too much for you to handle solo on your moving day, accept that it is okay to ask for help. If this becomes the case, I recommend reaching out to friends and family to assist you with the move. They will surely understand, and will probably be glad to help. 

  1. Consider Help from a Professional Moving Company

And if you find yourself needing more experienced moving help, consider booking with a well rated moving company, even if you just need an extra set of hands! There are plenty of top rated moving services out there (like UMovers) that can send over a happy college mover at the click of a button to help with whatever you need. Because packing away tons of boxes everyday can be tough, and assistance would relieve stress easily! Also, having someone with you while preparing for the move makes the process even more enjoyable, instead of a task that some think is a burden.

  1. Enjoy it.. Seriously!

My last tip to relieve stress during a move is to simply take it all in. People get so overwhelmed and want to rush through the process to just get it done and finish. But, before you know it, you will be packed up and gone before you can take in those last few moments. Bond with your family and friends about the items you are packing away, talk about your favorite memories in certain rooms, and take pictures along the way, because moving is a big transition and you’ll want the memories to be exciting and cheerful instead of stressful and negative. 

I hope these tips help you on your journey! This is very exciting, and I am excited for you. And last but not least.. GOOD LUCK!